General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> January 15, 2016
Warren J. Olsen is Chairman and CIO of SCB Global Capital Management, LLC. He served as Vice Chairman and CIO of First Western Financial, a private banking and wealth management firm, which he co-founded. During his tenure, FWF grew to $4.5 billion in trust and investment management assets, and $700 million in bank assets. He served as Director and President of the Morgan Stanley Funds and the Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund. He graduated magna cum laude from Villanova University, holds a B.S. in business administration from Georgetown University, and was a member of the board of regents and the board of advisers at Georgetown University's School of Business. Profile
TWST: SCB Global recently launched its first fund. What made you decide to start a fund, and what’s your approach?
Mr. Olsen: We launched our first fund, the SCB