Interview Highlights: Cornelis Vlooswijk of Robeco on Investing Strategies

November 11, 2016

Cornelis Vlooswijk discusses Robeco and the Afrika Fund. According to Mr. Vlooswijk, despite the difficult periods since the financial crisis, the fund has performed well relative to its competitors. Mr. Vlooswijk pays close attention to reducing risk and having enough liquid stocks in the portfolio. With his investment philosophy, Mr. Vlooswijk starts with top-down analysis to ensure the right country exposure. He then uses a quantitative model to screen individual stocks within the universe. From there, he will do in-depth fundamental analysis to identify which stocks are the right ones to buy. Being in an emerging market like Africa, Mr. Vlooswijk knows there will always be negative developments or news headlines. His advice to investors is to be prepared for that and stay calm.

Full interview available here.