Mastercard (MA) and Google (GOOG) Poised for International Revenue Growth

May 14, 2013

Mastercard (MA) and Google (GOOG) are growing their international revenues as demand for their services grows along with services demand in international emerging markets at a faster pace than domestic inflationary pressures, says Wally Obermeyer, President at Obermeyer Asset Management.

“[Mastercard] is a strong U.S. company that’s well-positioned for global growth, given the tendency of so many consumers to put everything from a $3 charge at the grocery store to regular purchases, such as parking, and major purchases on their card. We think demand for electronic payments is likely to increase,” Obermeyer said.


Obermeyer says global large caps like Google offer the international exposure to benefit from emerging market growth, along with geographical diversification for more stability.

“Another sector we like are large-cap companies with significant sales and revenue derived from overseas. For example, the last I looked, 52% of Google’s revenue was non-U.S.-derived. We like that a number of the global companies are well-diversified that way,” Obermeyer said.