Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> September 13, 2004
JAMES J. JANESKY, Senior Vice President, joined Ryan Beck in April 2004
from Janney Montgomery Scott, and he was previously with Banc of America
Securities, Stephens, Inc., and ABN AMRO/Chicago Corp. Mr. Janesky
follows business services and outsourcing companies. His recent coverage
has focused primarily on human capital services companies such as
Manpower and Monster, healthcare-staffing companies such as Cross
Country, and professional services companies such as Navigant
Consulting. In the past he has followed a wide range of human capital,
computer services/consulting, and private correctional services
companies. Mr. Janesky received a BS in Finance from Penn State
University and an MBA from the University of Houston. Profile
TWST: Is staffing still the right term? Should we be using 'humancapital solutions' for this industry?
Mr. Janesky: I believe that it depends upon which companies you are
talking about. For