Technology >> CEO Interviews >> April 4, 2011

Sify Technologies Limited – Raju Vegesna

Raju Vegesna is the Chairman, CEO and Managing Director of Sify Technologies Limited, a publicly traded Internet and e-commerce services company based in India. After purchasing a major stake in Sify in 2005, Mr. Vegesna took up the executive duties in 2006 and has transformed Sify into the premier IT services company in India with a significantly expanded global reach. In recognition of his entrepreneurial achievements, Mr. Vegesna was honored at the India Splendor award event at UCLA in 2007. As an Executive and an Entrepreneur, Mr. Vegesna has leveraged his technology vision and leadership skills into a multidecade career in different technology industries. Most recently, Mr. Vegesna was the Founder and CEO of ServerEngines Corporation, an industry leader in network and storage convergence products that grew rapidly from its inception in 2003, with significant operations in California, Texas and India. ServerEngines was acquired in August 2010 by Emulex, and Mr. Vegesna joined Emulex as Chief Strategist, responsible for the company's strategic direction and proselytizing for the adoption of Emulex products to key customers and partners. In 1994, prior to his involvement with ServerEngines and Sify, he founded ServerWorks Corporation. As Chairman and CEO, he led ServerWorks to become the world leader in computer chipsets, commanding a 90% market share in the x86 server chipset market. In 2001 ServerWorks was acquired by Broadcom Corporation for $1.8 billion. Before founding ServerWorks Corporation, Mr. Vegesna co-founded and served as Chief Architect of Ross Technology, Inc., where he spearheaded the creation of the HyperSPARC processor, a CPU that was used by Sun Microsystems to create its first multiprocessor computer servers. Prior to joining Ross Technology, Mr. Vegesna worked as an Engineer for Motorola Inc., where he created the microcode for Motorola's 68030 processor and the specification for the 68040 microprocessor. Mr. Vegesna engages in philanthropy, and through his personal initiatives in the U.S. and India - The Raju Vegesna Foundation and the Raju Vegesna Foundation (India) - have undertaken programs to address the availability of clean water and education for communities in need. Mr. Vegesna earned a master's degree in computer engineering from Wayne State University and a bachelor's degree in electronics engineering from Bangalore University in India, and he holds several patents and publications on microprocessors and multiprocessor technologies. Profile
TWST: Please give us a background summary of Sify Technologies. Tell us what you see as your business and company today.

Mr. Vegesna: Sify is one of the pioneer Internet services providers. It was the