Financial Services >> Money Manager Interviews >> July 27, 2009

Real Estate Securities – Tim Pire – Heitman Llc

TIM PIRE is managing director and portfolio manager for Heitman's public real estate securities group and is an equity owner of the firm. He has been analyzing public real estate securities at Heitman since 1992 and manages the firm's investment process for all strategies. He was previously an associate appraiser with Lyon, Skelte & Speirs, where he was responsible for visiting, analyzing and valuing properties including retail, apartment, office and industrial properties, primarily in the Northwest. Mr. Pire received an MS in real estate with an emphasis in finance and a BBA in business with an emphasis in finance, both from the University of Wisconsin. He earned his CFA in 1995. He is on the board of advisors for the Center for Real Estate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business and on the real estate board of advisors for the Stephen L. Hawk Center for Applied Security Analysis of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business, and is a member of Profile
TWST: Please start by giving us an overview of Heitman and the real

estate securities group.

Mr. Pire: Overall Heitman is a firm that is focused on real estate, and as

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