Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> September 3, 2001

Pierre Lepine – Groupe Laperriere & Verreault Inc (

PIERRE L. LePINE is Vice President, Corporate Development and Mergers), of Groupe Laperriere & Verreault Inc. He joined Groupe Laperriere & Verreault Inc. as Vice President in December 1998 in order to assist GL&Vs administration to realize the companys growth strategy and future prosperity. Mr. Lepine initiates the acquisitions and/or mergers, supervising the necessary company resources and structuring to its final stages. Mr. Lepine graduated in 1990 from the Universite du Quebec in Montreal, where he completed a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. He is also a member of the Order of Quebec Chartered Accountants. In June 1989, he began a four year tenure as an Auditor with Price Waterhouse and then within the same firm, in March 1993, worked with its Corporate Finance Group, acting as a financial advisor for both public and private companies. He served at one of the largest investment banks in Canada from September 1996 until November 1998, focusing on merger and acquisition transactions. Mr. Lepine acted as both coordinator and financial advisor during the various stages of the acquisition, merger or divestiture process. Mr. Lepine is a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre International de Couchage C.I.C. Inc., in Trois Rivieres, Quebec. Profile
TWST: Could you begin by giving us a brief overview of GL&V?

Mr. Lepine: GL&V, well known as Groupe Laperriere & Verreault Inc., was

a local player for the first 20 years of its