Technology >> CEO Interviews >> October 11, 1999
PAUL J. PLANTE was appointed Chief Operating Officer of Reptron
Electronics, Inc. in January 1997 and has been a Director since 1994.
Mr. Plante has been employed by the company since 1986, and previously
served as its Vice President of Finance, Chief Financial Officer and
Treasurer (1987-1997). From 1983 - 1986, he was Controller of K-Byte
Manufacturing, which is now a division of Reptron. Prior to 1983, he
worked for a regional accounting firm (1980-1983). Mr. Plante is a
Certified Public Accountant and is a graduate of Michigan State
University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting. He also has an
MBA degree from the University of South Florida. Profile
TWST: Give us a brief overview and a history of Reptron, just to set thestage for the readers.
Mr. Plante: Reptron Electronics is an integrated electronics company
that services two primary