Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> April 14, 2002

Parker Petit – Matria Healthcare Inc (matr)

PARKER H. (PETE) PETIT is Chairman, President and CEO of Matria Healthcare, Inc. In 1970, Mr. Petit founded Healthdyne, an internationally based healthcare company that manufactured high- technology healthcare devices, provided healthcare information systems and technology, and provided healthcare services and disease management. The Healthdyne-related companies grew to annual revenues in excess of $600 million. In order to increase shareholder values, Healthdyne was split into several publicly traded companies through public offerings and spinouts to shareholders in 1994. At that point, Mr. Petit relinquished the CEO role and remained Chairman of the Board of all the companies. Subsequently, the home infusion therapy subsidiary was sold to W. R. Grace. In 1995, Healthdyne Maternity Management was merged with Tokos Medical to form Matria Healthcare. In 1997, Healthdyne Technologies was merged with Respironics (NASDAQ:RESP). In May 2001,, which was formerly Healthdyne Information Enterprises, merged with Corporation to form Quovadx (NASDAQ:QVDX). Mr. Petit resumed the duties of President and CEO of Matria Healthcare in October 2000. Mr. Petit has served on the Board of Directors of Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc., and Norrell Corporation, and he currently serves on the Board of Directors of Intelligent Systems, Inc., and Logility, Inc. Mr. Petit has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Research Alliance, which is chartered by the state of Georgia to promote high technology and scientific development in the state, and he is a 1994 inductee into the Technology Hall of Fame of Georgia. Mr. Petit funded a professorial chair for 'Engineering in Medicine' at Georgia Tech in 1986. In 1995, he endowed the Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences at Georgia Tech. Profile
TWST: Could you give us a brief overview and historical sketch of the


Mr. Petit: Matria Healthcare is the largest provider of comprehensive

disease management services in the country.