Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> May 14, 2001
SAUL RUBIN is the US auto and tire analyst for UBS Warburg. Mr. Rubin
joined the Tokyo office of S.G. Warburg in August 1994 and worked for
over three years as the Japanese auto and auto components analyst before
coming to the US in May 1997. In addition to his US responsibilities,
Mr. Rubin is also the global sector coordinator for UBSW auto research.
Mr. Rubin graduated from Cambridge University, in the UK, with a BA in
Physics and then went on to spend two years studying the Japanese
language, prior to joining S.G. Warburg. Profile
TWST: Would you start with the global approach that UBS Warburg takestoward the auto market?
Mr. Rubin: On the one hand, we have good coverage globally, and on the
other hand, we pull