Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> August 25, 2024

Lumber Producer West Fraser Is Top Pick in Building Products Sector

Mamtora, Ketan
Ketan Mamtora is Building Products Analyst at BMO Capital Markets Equity Research. He joined BMO in April 2014 as a research associate covering the North American packaging and forest products sector. He was promoted to an analyst role in 2016, covering the packaging and forest products sector. In 2017 and 2018, Mr. Mamtora was named among the "All-America Research Team Rising Stars" by Institutional Investor magazine. Mr. Mamtora has worked with Mark Wilde, the senior analyst on the team, for over eight years. Mr. Mamtora assumed coverage of the Building Products sector in January 2021. The team has been a regular member of Institutional Investor’s All-America Research Team, and was ranked #1 for the sector in the 2014 Greenwich Survey. Prior to joining BMO, Mr. Mamtora worked at Deutsche Bank alongside Mark Wilde. He holds an MBA (finance) degree. Profile
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TWST: Please share a look at the subsectors in building products that you focus on.

Mr. Mamtora: I focus on timber, wood, and building