Technology >> CEO Interviews >> June 25, 2001

Kirk Pond – Fairchild Seminconductor International Inc (fcs)

KIRK P. POND is President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, of Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc. Mr. Pond has worked in the semiconductor industry for more than 34 years, initially serving in various management positions for Texas Instruments and Timex Corporation before joining Fairchild Semiconductor as Vice President of the Logic business in 1984. Four years after the acquisition of Fairchild by National Semiconductor in 1987, he was named President of the Standard Products Group representing 75% of National's operations. In 1994 he was named Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and a member of the Office of the President. In 1996, National chose to sell its standard product businesses. Mr. Pond recognized an opportunity to re-launch Fairchild in the pursuit of the underserved multi-market segment. A year later he executed the first management-led buyout in the history of the semiconductor industry. Mr. Pond has set the tone for high growth through new product innovation and strategic acquisitions. Under his leadership, more than 450 new products are launched each year and the company has completed seven major acquisitions of international companies. In August 1999, Fairchild was launched as a public company on the New York Stock Exchange. He is recognized industry-wide for his development of the innovative multi-market business model. Mr. Pond holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arkansas and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has served as Chairman of the Maine Science and Technology Foundation and on the boards of the National Association of Manufacturers, Sybron Chemicals and Sematech, an international semiconductor consortium. Profile
TWST: Could you tell us about Fairchild Semiconductor International '

where your focus is today, and what you see as the core strategy for the

company over the next two to three years?
