Financial Services >> CEO Interviews >> September 3, 2001
KENT GILBERT BAKER is Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, United
Fire Group. He graduated from Northeast Missouri State with a Bachelor
of Science degree in Accounting in 1973. Prior to joining United Fire,
Mr. Baker was Assistant Treasurer for Hawkeye Security Insurance
Company. He is an active member and former Vice President of the
regional IASA (Insurance Accounting and Systems Association). Mr. Baker
is President, Renaissance Group, a downtown revitalization organization.
He is a Board member of the, Linn Area Credit Union, a tri-county
financial institution, and a Board member of A Taste of Cedar Rapids, an
annual fund raising event providing entertainment and a venue for local
restaurateurs to spotlight their products. Profile
TWST: Could we begin with a brief overview and a summary of United Fire& Casualty Company?
Mr. Baker: United Fire & Casualty Group, a property and casualty parent,
also has a life