General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> April 16, 2001
JON E. QUIGLEY is Portfolio Manager and assists in the management of all
strategies at Advanced Investment Technology, Inc. (AIT). He also
contributes to the ongoing research behind the firm's investment
process, particularly individual factor development. Prior to joining
the firm, Mr. Quigley was a Portfolio Manager with LBS Capital
Management where he was responsible for the management of global
tactical asset allocation and tactical sector selection strategies. He
earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Wake Forest University. Mr.
Quigley is a Chartered Financial Analyst and is a member of the Society
of Quantitative Analysts, the Association for Investment Management and
Research, and the Financial Analysts Society of Tampa Bay. Profile
TWST: With the knowledge that static investment management quantitativetools can lose their edge, AIT developed and uses the country's only
patented active security selection process. What do you