Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> June 10, 2022
Dr. Peter Forsell is CEO and Founder of Implantica AG. Dr. Forsell was the Executive Chairman of Obtech Medical AG, the team’s previous successful medical technology business which commercialized the SAGB, an adjustable gastric band to treat obesity that Dr. Forsell developed. The total gastric banding market peaked at 42% market share of all obesity surgery. Dr. Forsell has gained extensive experience during this long journey on how to lead and develop a business from inception to a successful global enterprise. Obtech was later sold for a significant amount to a leading health care company. As CEO of Implantica, he is focused on guiding Implantica to the next level. Dr. Forsell is an internationally renowned surgeon and the brain behind Implantica’s decade of patent and development work focusing on how to move advanced technology into the body. He developed Implantica’s wireless energizing and eHealth platforms. He is the inventor and originator of most of Implantica’s products and the large patent portfolio of >1,000 patent cases. This includes RefluxStop™, a device obtaining a CE mark after a very successful clinical trial that will cause a potential paradigm shift in the treatment of acid reflux. Dr. Forsell is a specialist in surgery at the Karolinska Hospital, and he obtained his medical degree at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. He has also studied basic law, tax and finance. Profile
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TWST: Tell us about the company Implantica and why you decided to found it.
Dr. Forsell: The Implantica journey actually began quite a while