General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> August 23, 2004


GREGORY W. SERBE is President of Lebenthal Asset Management, a division of Boston Advisors, Inc., and a Senior Vice President of Boston Advisors, Inc. Boston Advisors is the asset management division of Advest, Inc., which is a member of AXA Financial. He is the Senior Portfolio Manager for municipal bond securities. Lebenthal Asset Management manages the Lebenthal family of mutual funds, and on a discretionary basis, manages both taxable and tax-free fixed income securities for high net worth individuals and institutions. Mr. Serbe joined Lebenthal in 1997. During 1998 and 1999, he was a Trustee of the Lebenthal 401(k) profit sharing plan. Prior to coming to Lebenthal, Mr. Serbe was Managing Director of Municipal Securities for Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of PaineWebber, Inc. While there he was responsible for all municipal assets. During his tenure from 1983 to 1996, he started eight open and closed end funds, started the municipal bond wrap fee program, and coordinated the integration of all Kidder Peabody Municipal Funds into Mitchell Hutchins after the merger of Kidder Peabody into PaineWebber. During that time period, the assets under management grew from $78 million to $4.5 billion. From 1981 to 1983, Mr. Serbe worked for Provident Institutional Management Co., Inc. He was responsible for municipal credits, trading and marketing of four municipal money funds and one intermediate term bond fund. The funds were distributed through Shearson and Provident Bank Trust Department. He started the very first California money market fund. From 1967 to 1981 he worked at the First National Bank of Chicago. After a training program he worked in the Bond Department. He started the tax-exempt note department, and was the top salesman in portfolio sales, tax-exempt commercial paper and tax-exempt notes. He is a past chairman of the National Municipal Bond Buyers' Conference. Mr. Serbe has a BA from Yale University in History, an MBA from the University of Chicago in International Finance, and a License en Sciences Economiques Appliquees from Louvain University, Belgium. Profile
TWST: Would you begin with a brief overview of Lebenthal Asset

Management and your responsibilities there?

Mr. Serbe: Lebenthal Asset Management is the municipal bond management

division of