General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> May 16, 2011

Global Value Investing – Edward A. Gray & Todd A. Bassion – Delaware Investments

Todd A. Bassion, CFA, is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Delaware Investments. He joined the company in June 2005 as a Senior Analyst on the firm's Global and International Value Equity team. He co-manages the International Value Equity and Global Value funds, and he takes a lead role in generating and researching new companies for the portfolios. Mr. Bassion previously worked at Arborway Capital, where he was a key part of the team that started at ValueQuest/TA and moved to Thomas Weisel Asset Management with its acquisition of ValueQuest/TA in 2002. Mr. Bassion, who joined ValueQuest/TA in 2000, served as a Research Associate there. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Colorado College.Edward A. Gray, CFA, is Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Global and International Value Equity, for Delaware Investments. He joined the company in June 2005 from Arborway Capital in his current position, developing Delaware's Global and International Value Equity team, which he co-founded in January 2005. Mr. Gray previously worked in the investment management business at Thomas Weisel Asset Management and ValueQuest, which was acquired by TWAM in 2002. At ValueQuest, which he joined in 1987, Mr. Gray served as a Senior Investment Professional with responsibilities for portfolio management, security analysis, quantitative research, performance analysis, global research, back office/investment information systems integration, trading, and client and consultant relations. Prior to ValueQuest, he was a Research Analyst at the Center for Competitive Analysis. Mr. Gray earned his bachelor's degree in history from Reed College and an M.A. in law and diplomacy, in international economics, business and law from The Fletcher School at Tufts University. Profile
TWST: Would you introduce us to Delaware Investments and the products you offer?

Mr. Gray: Delaware Investments is a broadly diversified investment management firm employing a multiboutique approach.