Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> August 3, 1998
FREDERICK M. GREEN was elected President of Ault in November 1985. In
1988 he assumed additional responsibilities as CEO and Chairman of the
Board of Directors. Since joining Ault in 1980, the company has grown
from $1.7 million dollars to over $40 million. Mr. Green has been active
in all aspects of the business, spending a great deal of time on the
strategic direction of the company, including Finance, Marketing, Sales,
Product Development and Manufacturing strategy. He led the establishment
of the company's Far East Operations, a wholly owned subsidiary in Korea
and manufacturing arrangements in China and Thailand. He is currently
active in changing the company to a customer focused organization
structure. Profile
TWST: Give us a brief summary, a bit of an historical background sketchon the company and then bring us up to date over the next two to three
years. What do you see as the challenges and