General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> March 27, 2000

Eric Greschner – Regatta Research & Money Management Llc

RUDY J. BLANCHARD is a Portfolio Manager and Market Strategist for Quantum Research & Investment Group, LLC and Regatta Research & Money Management, LLC, where he provides in-depth sector and industry analysis based on a combination of fundamental and quantitative models. He holds a Masters degree from Troy State in MSM. Mr. Blanchard has also been involved in educating and training individuals involved in the securities industry for several years. Profile
ERIC A. GRESCHNER is the Senior Portfolio Manager for Quantum Research & Investment Group, LLC and Regatta Research & Money Management, LLC, where he develops and tests stock market trading and artificial intelligence models, including some for several hedge funds and one for Fidelity Investments. Previously, Mr. Greschner worked on Wall Street as an Institutional Research Analyst and Market Strategist for a leading firm that provided analysis to clients such as Oppenheimer, T. Rowe Price, Fidelity Investments, etc. While there, he played an integral role in conference calls with portfolio managers of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, 1838 Investment Advisors, etc. on stock market strategy and individual stock selection. Mr. Greschner was also formerly an instructor at Tulane University, where he taught Advanced Stock Market Analysis. Prior to that, he was a stockbroker for a former New York Stock Exchange firm. Mr. Greschner is a graduate of the LaSalle University Law School. Profile
TWST: Tell us about Quantum Research & Investment Group, LLC and Regatta

Research & Money Management, LLC. Then, tell us what you think

distinguishes your services for clients.
