General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> April 2, 2001
ELIZABETH A. SONDERS is Managing Director and member of the Investment
Policy Committee at Campbell, Cowperthwait. Prior to joining the firm,
she was at Avatar Associates where she co-managed two mutual funds and a
small hedge fund. Ms. Sonders is a regular panelist on Wall Street Week
with Louis Rukeyser, a regular guest host on CNBC's Squawk Box, and a
frequent guest/guest host on CNN, CNNfn, The Nightly Business Report,
Bloomberg TV and other business programs. She is a regular speaker at
money management seminars across the country. Ms. Sonders earned her BA
in Economics and Political Science from the University of Delaware and
an MBA in Finance from Fordham University. Profile
TWST: Liz Ann, will you please tell us the investment philosophy orinvestment style that you implement when you're making your investment
Ms. Sonders: Campbell, Cowperthwait is a