General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> January 7, 2002
EDWARD RAMOS has been a Portfolio Manager at Brown Capital Management,
Inc., since December 1998, and co-manages the Brown Capital
International Equity Fund. He has over 10 years of investment
experience. He began his career as an Investment Associate, assisting
the Chief Investment Officer of Prudential Equity Management Associates.
In 1993 he joined Templeton Investment Counsel and, as a Vice President,
Global Portfolio Manager/Research Analyst, he was responsible for
researching various countries and global industries while managing
institutional portfolios. He earned a BS degree in Finance from Lehigh
University, an MBA in Finance, Accounting and International Business
from the Columbia Graduate School of Business and is a Chartered
Financial Analyst. He is an alumnus and Executive Board member of the
Robert A. Toigo Foundation, a former National Director of the National
Society of Hispanic MBAs and a member of the Alumni Founders' Circle of
A Better Chance, Inc. Profile
TWST: Could you briefly describe Brown Capital Management and yourresponsibilities there?
Mr. Ramos: Brown Capital Management (BCM) has been around since 1983, up
and running for 18 years. In