Financial Services >> CEO Interviews >> April 5, 2010

Eastern Virginia Bancshares, Inc. – Joe A. Shearin

Joe A. Shearin, President and CEO of Eastern Virginia Bancshares, Inc., began his banking career with BB&T in Raleigh, N.C., in 1979. His banking experience includes executive-level leadership roles with Branch Banking and Trust Company, Signet Bank and First Federal Savings Bank. In 2001 Mr. Shearin joined Eastern Virginia Bankshares as the President/Chief Operating Officer of its primary bank subsidiary, the former Southside Bank. At that time, Eastern Virginia Bankshares was parent to three community banks. In 2002 Mr. Shearin was named President and CEO of Eastern Virginia Bankshares and former Southside Bank. Mr. Shearin recognized that in order to grow and manage the company more efficiently and economically, it was imperative that the three banks be consolidated into a one-bank holding company. After much hard work in the operational support areas as well as having undergone a cultural change, Eastern Virginia Bankshares consolidated to form one bank, EVB, in April 2006. Mr. Shearin is a graduate of North Carolina Wesleyan College. Profile
TWST: Would you begin by giving us a brief overview of Eastern Virginia Bankshares? Describe what you see as the business and the enterprise today.

Mr. Shearin: First, Eastern Virginia Bankshares