Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> November 26, 2001

Defense Stocks Overview: Todd Ernst / Charles Gabriel – Prudential Securities

TODD B. ERNST is a Vice President/Aerospace and Defense Analyst at Prudential Securities. Previously, he was associated with AT&T. Mr. Ernst received his Bachelor's degree from DePauw University and his MBA from the University of Michigan. Profile
CHARLES B. GABRIEL is an 18-year veteran of political forecasting for institutional investors. A former Capitol Hill staffer, Mr. Gabriel is an expert on how Washington fiscal and regulatory policy impacts the banking, financial and defense industries, and was most recently named as a team leader for Prudential Securities Incorporated's Financial Services Group (PFSG). He joined PSI in February 1995, 12 years after entering the field as a partner in The Washington Forum, a division of the old Drexel Burnham Lambert. Prior to that, he worked as a Legislative Assistant to Rep. Clarence J. Brown of Ohio. He is a graduate of George Washington University, is married and has five children. Profile
TWST: Chuck, how would you have defined the objectives of US defense

policy at the beginning of the 21st century prior to the events of

September 11 and what has changed since then?
