Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> December 7, 1998

David P. Storch – Aar Corporation (air)

DAVID P. STORCH became AAR Corp.'s Chief Executive Officer October 9, 1996. Since 1989, Mr. Storch has served as President and Chief Operating Officer of AAR, duties which he will continue to fulfill, and has served as a member of the Company's Board of Directors. In 1978, Mr. Storch joined AAR and began the development of the Company's engine business. Dramatic growth in this business under his leadership led to the formation of the Company's engine subsidiary, AAR Aircraft Turbine Center, of which Mr. Storch was the first president. In 1987, Mr. Storch was given the additional responsibility of leading all of the Company's trading activities, serving as President of that group before becoming President and COO. Mr. Storch received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ithaca College in 1975 and did post-graduate studies at Cornell University. Mr. Storch is a member of the Young President's Organization International, The Economic Club of Chicago, The Executive's Club of Chicago, the Wings Club, and the Board of the Friends of Prentice. Profile
TWST: Give us a background summary on the company, enough information to

give us a context for what you see as your business, and what you see as

your company today?

Mr. Storch: We view AAR