General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> October 22, 2001
DAVID M. DABORA is the Portfolio Manager for Boston Partners Asset
Management, LP's Small Cap Value and Small Cap Value II products.
Previously, he was an Assistant Portfolio Manager for the Premium Equity
Product, as well as a Research Analyst specializing in a wide variety of
industries. Prior to joining Boston Partners, Mr. Dabora spent three
years with The Boston Company Asset Management, Inc., as an Equity
Analyst in their Los Angeles and Greenbrae, California, offices. He has
a total of 13 years of investment experience. Mr. Dabora is a graduate
of Pennsylvania State University and holds a BS in Business
Administration as well as an MBA from The Anderson School of Management
at the University of California at Los Angeles. He is a Chartered
Financial Analyst and a member of the Association for Investment
Management and Research and the Security Analysts Society of San
Francisco. Profile
TWST: Could you tell us about the Small Cap Value Fund at BostonPartners Asset Management that you run?
Mr. Dabora: The Boston Partners Small Cap Value II strategy is available
to individuals