General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> December 6, 1999
TIMOTHY J. ALLEN is a Laird Norton Vice President and Portfolio Manager.
He manages the firm's small capitalization funds and portfolios for
Laird Norton Trust and Wentworth, Hauser and Violich Investment Counsel.
Mr. Allen also heads the firm's research efforts and personally conducts
research in the high-tech and healthcare industries. He is an amateur
paleontologist and lives in Seattle with his wife Sue and his son Luke.
DANIEL M. BREWER is a Laird Norton Vice President and Portfolio Manager.
He manages investment, trust, charitable, and retirement accounts for
high net-worth individuals and nonprofit organizations. His primary
research coverage is the telecommunications and media industries. Mr.
Brewer is also an avid runner. Profile
TWST: Is Laird Norton known for a particular investment style?Mr. Brewer: At its simplest, we're a larger cap growth manager and our
investment process focuses on companies and industries