General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> July 21, 2003

Craig Callahan – Meridian Investment Management Corporation

CRAIG T. CALLAHAN is President and Chief Investment Officer of Meridian Investment Management Corporation which provides private account management to individuals and institutions and manages the ICON menu of mutual funds. He holds a Doctorate of Business Administration degree from Kent State University and a Bachelor of Science degree from The Ohio State University. Prior to founding Meridian, he was a Finance Professor at the University of Denver and the Director of Research at a regional brokerage firm. His discretionary management of accounts dates back to 1986. He has appeared on CNBC, CCC-fn, Nightly Business Report and Bloomberg Television. He has also been the focus of articles in Money magazine, Forbes magazine, Fortune magazine, Mutual Fund magazine, Mutual Fund Market News, Bloomberg Personal Finance,, CBS and Barron's Online, among others. Profile
TWST: Would you give us a brief overview of ICON Funds and your

responsibilities there?

Mr. Callahan: I'm the Chief Investment Officer for the ICON family of

mutual funds. That family is made