Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> August 9, 2004


MACMURRAY WHALE is National Bank Financial's Auto Parts and Energy Technology analyst. He brings more than 11 years of engineering experience, particularly in the academic energy technology research community in Canada and the US. Mr. Whale began covering energy technology in the fall of 2001 and the auto parts in late 2002. Prior to joining NBF, he was a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Victoria for three years, where he conducted research on alternative energy conversion technologies. As a member of the faculty, Mr. Whale led a research group working on the application of microscale transport to thermophotovoltaics and fuel cells, developed research projects with industrial partners, and he taught classes in thermodynamics to students, many of whom have gone on to careers in the fuel cell industry. He was also a member of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, Canada's foremost academic institute for hydrogen and fuel cell research. Mr. Whale is a Registered Professional Engineer and holds a PhD and an MSc from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge), an MBA from Collge des Ingnieurs (Paris) and a BSc (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Toronto. Profile
TWST: Can you start with a quick overview of what you're covering at

National Bank Financial?

Mr. Whale: I cover two sectors, the Canadian automotive suppliers as

well as energy technology