General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> May 13, 2024

Building a Lower Risk Portfolio That Meets or Beats the S&P

Rinaldi, Joseph
Joseph Rinaldi is President and Chief Investment Officer at Quantum Financial Advisors, Inc. Mr. Rinaldi worked in capital markets for nearly three decades for companies such as Dimes Savings Bank, Morgan Stanley, Maryland National Bank — now Bank of America — and The Resolution Trust Corporation. His career has encompassed asset securitization, risk management and trading. During the S&L debacle, he traded over $40 billion worth of assets from banks he took over for the government. Afterward, he started his own SEC investment advisory firm that has a successful 20-plus-year track record. In addition, he teaches "Futures, Options, and Derivatives" class at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, the Carey School of Business at Johns Hopkins and the Stern School of Business at New York University to both graduate and undergraduate students. He also co-authored A Beginning Guide to Alternative Assets with Dr. Howard Lodge. Mr. Rinaldi graduated from Hofstra University with a BBA and received an MBA from Pace University. Profile
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TWST: Could you please start with a brief introduction to Quantum? Tell us about your role and give us a profile of your typical clients served.
