Healthcare >> Analyst Interviews >> April 13, 1998
EDMUND A. DEBLER of Mehta Partners is an analyst and a member of the
firm. A research scientist at the Nathan S. Kline Institute, the New
York State Office of Mental Hygiene, prior to coming to Wall Street, he
was formerly associated with Mehta & Isaly. He graduated from Columbia
College, earned his M.B.A. at Columbia Business School and his Ph.d. at
New York University. A member of the Society for Neuroscience and the
New York Academy of Sciences, he has published 21 scientific articles.
Dr. Debler is married and his interests include concertgoing, opera,
theatre and cinema. An afficionado of auto racing and a novice golfer,
he also likes to ski. Profile
TWST: Edmund, tell me, first of all, about the universe of companiesthat you follow and the area that you've defined as the
biopharmaceutical industry.
Mr. Debler: In 1998 we sort of