MAUREEN E. HOWE has worked at RBC Dominion since 1996 as an
Institutional Equity Analyst covering Canadian pipelines and gas
and electric utilities. She currently is, and has been for a
number of years, the top-ranked pipelines and utilities analyst
in Canada as surveyed by both the Greenwich Associates Research
Study and Brendan Woods. Prior to joining RBC DS she worked for
BC Gas, where she held the position of Treasurer responsible for
corporate finance, cash management and investor relations. She
has also worked in the investment banking department of Merrill
Lynch Canada and as an investment analyst for Great-West Life
Assurance Company. Ms. Howe graduated from the University of
Manitoba with a Bachelor of Commerce degree (honors, 1979) and
from the University of British Columbia with a PhD (Finance,
1987). She has taught numerous courses in finance at the
University of Manitoba and the University of British Columbia and
has published articles in the Journal of Business Administration
and the Journal of Futures Markets. Ms. Howe’s research includes
a number of periodicals such as her Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly
Power and Pipelines reviews. She also publishes prolifically on
industry issues and company specific reports. She is in the
process of expanding
Canadian Gas, Electric & Pipeline Companies: Maureen Howe - Rbc Capital Markets
November 12, 2002