Malcolm Hughes

MALCOLM HUGHES is the Chief Executive of Oasis Healthcare Plc. He
graduated from Liverpool University in 1975 with a degree in Economics.
Mr. Hughes joined Chloride Group Plc as an Economist and over the
succeeding 15 years, he held a number of executive positions in
different subsidiaries of the international electrical group, ultimately
becoming Sales and Marketing Director of the Industrial Batteries
Division. He left the company in early 1990 to join Hilton Group Plc as
Managing Director of its football betting business, Vernons Group Ltd.
After almost five years with Hilton, Mr. Hughes left the company in late
1994 to join Proudfoot Consulting Plc as Chief Executive before taking
up his current appointment with Oasis in March 2000.

Related Interviews:

Malcolm Hughes - Oasis Healthcare Plc (osh.l)
October 30, 2000