Fred Hayek

Fred Hayek is President of Hayek Kallen Investment Management, LLC. He is a Security Analyst and Portfolio Manager with nearly three decades of professional securities experience. His work has been nationally recognized by Barron’s, Money Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Transcript, local newspapers and syndicated national cable television’s “Inside Money.” Mr. Hayek received his B.A. from Doane College and M.S. from the University of Nebraska. Additionally, Mr. Hayek was sponsored for the Association of Investment Management and Research by his friend and mentor, the late Sir John Templeton.Eric Kallen is Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist of Hayek Kallen Investment Management, LLC. He joined the firm following a career as an Investment Banker in New York and London with Morgan Stanley, as Vice President, Mergers and Acquisitions. Mr. Kallen’s focus within the firm is portfolio management and security analysis. His opinions and analysis have been published in The Financial Times, The Wall Street Transcript and The Mobile Press Register. Mr. Kallen received a B.A. from Washington & Lee University and an MBA from the College of William & Mary. His civic involvement includes being President of the Mobile Chapter of the Washington & Lee Alumni Association and also by serving as a Director on the board for Camp Rap-A-Hope.