B. PAUL ABEL is Portfolio Manager of the Medical Fund and Senior Vice
President of Kinetics Asset Management. He is responsible for research
and analysis for the Medical Fund ‘ the first mutual fund of its kind to
invest primarily in companies that are treating or seeking a cure for
cancer. Prior to joining the firm in 1999, Mr. Abel was with Brookhaven
National Laboratory from 1989. He was also a freelance writer for
Academic Science News and Review and frequently appears as an industry
expert on television and radio and in print media outlets. Mr. Abel
earned a Master’s degree in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering from
Manhattan College in 1994 and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from SUNY,
Stony Brook in 1987.
B.paul Abel - Kinetics Asset Management
December 09, 2002
B. Paul Abel - Kinetics Asset Management
December 18, 2000