Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> July 16, 2001

Wirt Walker Iii – Stratesec Inc (sft)

WIRT D. WALKER, III is Chairman and CEO of STRATESEC, Incorporated, a publicly traded company that provides technology-based security solutions for medium and large commercial and government facilities. Mr. Walker is also the Chairman and CEO of Aviation General, Incorporated, a publicly traded holding company with two wholly owned subsidiaries: Commander Aircraft Company, which manufactures, markets and provides support services for its line of single engine, high-performance Commander aircraft and provides consulting, brokerage, refurbishment services for piston aircraft; and Strategic Jet Services, Inc., which provides consulting, brokerage and refurbishment services for jet aircraft. He is the Managing Director of KuwAm Corporation, a private investment firm. Mr. Walker has an AB degree from Lafayette College. Profile
TWST: Could we get started with just a brief overview of the evolution

of the company?

Mr. Walker: The company started in the late 1980s as part of a

subsidiary of a large private