Interview Highlights: Peter DeCaprio of Crow Point Partners on Investing Strategies

August 8, 2016

Peter DeCaprio

Peter DeCaprio discusses Crow Point Partners. The firm started out using a fundamental-strategy approach before developing new products that are driven by a quantitative research front end. According to Mr. DeCaprio, the combination of fundamental analysis with the quantitative research front end is powerful because each approach has deficiencies. Fundamental analysts can be emotional, which can lead to irrational decisions, while the quantitative research is blind and dispassionate. When building portfolios, Mr. DeCaprio begins with a 10,000-stock universe and ranks them by region and industry. The stocks are then ranked within each group, with the top-ranked names becoming investments. The fundamental analysts will then look at the names generated by the quantitative model and kick names out of the portfolio based on their insights.

Full interview HERE.