Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> October 16, 2000
MARK SIMON ABRAHAMS is the Chief Executive of Fenner Plc. He graduated
from Trinity College, Cambridge with a First Class Honours degree in
Mathematics. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG, after
which he joined the multinational group Norcros Plc, as part of their
Head office finance team. His next move was into management consultancy
with Coopers & Lybrand, where he managed their Midlands consultancy. He
then joined Edinburgh Crystal as Finance Director and then in 1994
becoming Chief Executive. In 1998 he was appointed to the Board of Darby
Group Plc as a Non-Executive Director and in 1999 as Chairman. In
addition, Mr Abrahams sits on the Central Finance Committee of the BRMA
of which he is a Director and the Economic Affairs Committee of the CBI.
Outside Fenner, his interests include travel, opera and fine wines. Profile
TWST: Let's start with an introduction, a brief corporate profile of thecompany.
Mr. Abrahams: Fenner is a very focused specialist engineering group. Our
area of speciality is reinforced