General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> February 7, 2000

Annette Longnon Geddes – M.d. Sass Group

ANNETTE LONGNON GEDDES is a Managing Director and Head of Equities at SASS Investors Services of M.D. Sass Group. Previously, she worked as a Managing Director for Spears, Benzak, Salomon & Farrell, Trust Company of the West, and J.P. Morgan Investment Management. She has also served as a Portfolio Manager with Steinhardt Management Company and as a Vice President with Group Bankers Trust Company. A frequent guest on CNN/FN and Bloomberg News, Ms. Geddes holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Wellesley College and attended New York University's Graduate School of Business Administration. She serves on the Board of Managers of the Abigail Adams Smith Museum, on the Board of Assistants of the Mayflower Society, on the Board of Directors of WNRC, and is a past President of the New York Wellesley Club. Profile
TWST: Tell us about your company, first of all, and about the products

and services M. D. Sass offers clients.

Ms. Geddes: M.D. Sass is an independent, privately owned group of
