General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> January 24, 2011

A Bottom-up Approach To Investing In China – Ping Zhou – Ge Asset Management Inc.

Ping Zhou, CFA, is a Senior Vice President with GE Asset Management Inc., Managing Director, Greater China and Portfolio Manager for the Emerging Markets and China H&A portfolios. Mr. Zhou is based in Shanghai, China, where GEAMI has a research operation. He has 16 years of investment experience. Mr. Zhou joined GE Asset Management in 1997 and prior to that, worked at GE Capital. Before he came to the U.S. in 1991, Mr. Zhou completed 10 years of management experience in China, including four years as a Senior Manager running a shopping center in Shanghai. Mr. Zhou has a B.S. degree from Northeastern University and an MBA from Fairfield University. He is a graduate of GE's Financial Management Program and is a holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Profile
TWST: Please begin with a brief introduction to the China H Share Equity strategy and the investment philosophy you employ.

Mr. Zhou: We started the GE China H Share Equity strategy in 2002 to invest