Technology >> CEO Interviews >> August 23, 2010
Jeffrey Parker co-founded ParkerVision, Inc., and has served as the company's Chief Executive Officer and board Chairman since its inception in 1989. Prior to ParkerVision, Mr. Parker served as Executive Vice President of Parker Electronics, a joint venture partner to Carrier Corp. that developed mixed-signal ASICs for electronic heating and air-conditioning controls. During his career, Mr. Parker has focused on the use of microelectronics technology to change legacy approaches to system architectures. For example, Parker Electronics employed advanced mixed-signal ASICs, creating new comfort control systems for commercial and residential buildings in North America and Europe. The company was later acquired by Carrier Corp. Additonally, ParkerVision initially employed both mixed-signal microelectronics as well as real-time software machine control to automate live television news casting. After incorporation into approximately 70 television stations in North America for such companies as Media General, Cablevision, Clear Channel, McGraw Hill, Canadian Broadcasting and others, the product and IP were acquired by Thompson Electronics. Mr. Parker has served as a Trustee on the board of directors of The Bolles School, the Jacksonville Jewish Community Alliance and the Epping Forest Club. Profile
TWST: Please begin with an overview and summary of ParkerVision.
Mr. Parker: We started out developing technology for video applications, initially creating a technology where cameras were able to