Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> September 6, 2004


TIM EMMITT is Chief Operating Officer of Noble International, Ltd. He joined Noble International, Ltd. in October, 2001. Mr. Emmitt served as Chief Operating Officer of the metal processing subsidiary (Noble Metal Processing) from May 2002 to October 2003 and as Vice President of Automotive Operations from October, 2001 to April, 2002. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Emmitt held various senior management positions in Finance, Operations and Strategy at DaimlerChrysler from July 1987 to October, 2001. Mr. Emmitt also held various Production Engineering positions at General Motors from 1983 to 1986. Mr. Emmitt holds an MBA from University of Chicago and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University. Profile
TWST: Can you give us a brief history and introduction to Noble

International, Ltd.?

Mr. Emmitt: Noble is a provider of auto body design solutions that

reduce weight, the amount of steel used