Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> June 24, 2002
PAUL NISBET, President of JSA Research. Inc., was named in the top four
of aerospace stock pickers in The Wall Street Journal's All-Star
Analysts' Survey in 1997, 1998, 2000 and 2002. He was named by StarMine
as one of the top 10 stock pickers in the US for 2002 out of a total of
3,000 analysts, and the top stock picker among the aerospace analysts.
Before forming JSA Research, Inc., 12 years ago, he was a First Vice
President at Prudential Securities, Inc., where he had been employed for
13 years. He was named to the Institutional Investor all-star team 10
times over nine years for his aerospace and defense electronics
coverages. His research placed Prudential Securities consistently among
the leaders in Greenwich Associates surveys in industry financial
analysis, major small company studies, DoD spending analyses and
commercial aircraft coverage over the full span of his employment there. Profile
TWST: Paul, will you begin by telling us about the investment focus ofJSA Research and the service that you provide for investors?
Mr. Nisbet: We're now in our 10th year of business providing