Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> February 4, 2002

Douglas Norman – World Transport Authority (wtai)

DOUGLAS NORMAN is Founder and Director of International Sales, World Transport Authority. He has developed and owned numerous successful private and public companies both in the Canada and the United States. Mr. Norman founded World Transport Authority, Inc. in 1996, and worked to establish the company as a public company. He also played an integral role in the research and development phase of the company as it built the WorldStar utility vehicle and the micro-manufacturing process. Mr. Norman is currently the Director of International Sales for WTA and is responsible for negotiating the license agreements on a global basis. Prior to entering into the World Transport Authority, Inc. endeavor, Mr. Norman had been in business and business development for over 40 years. He began in the automobile industry and spent 35 years operating a boat manufacturing plant that he founded. The years of working in boat design and manufacturing provided an extensive background in the art of fiberglass construction that is intricate in the production of the WorldStar. Mr. Norman started three mining developments from the initial stages through the extraction phase. One mining location was in Canada, one in the United States and the final site was in Mexico. Mr. Norman founded and developed a number of other private and public companies during his diverse business career. Profile
TWST: Could you give us a general introduction to World Transport

Authority, including a description of the company's business and


Mr. Norman: World Transport Authority, WTA, is a