Technology >> Analyst Interviews >> November 5, 2001
MARTIN PYYKKONEN is a leading Networking Equipment analyst, who joined
Unterberg from CIBC World Markets. He has 20 years' experience in
networking and related industries, including coverage of the industry as
a Senior Analyst since 1995. He was with ING Barings Furman Selz from
1995 through 1998. Mr. Pyykkonen has been on Wall Street since 1990,
having been with Merrill Lynch for three years. He was a Management
Consultant covering the Telecommunications/IT Industries at both Price
Waterhouse and Arthur D. Little prior to joining Merrill Lynch, and
began his career at Lucent Technologies as Product Manager in the Fiber
Optics Systems Group. He has an MBA in Finance from Boston University, a
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering/Computer Science from
Northeastern University, and a BS in Electrical Engineering/Computer
Science from the University of Lowell. Profile
TWST: What is the 'sector' derivation of your Softswitch Technologygrouping?
Mr. Pyykkonen: The data networking equipment industry and the telecom
equipment industry were two different