General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> September 8, 2024

Renewables Space Hitting Positive Inflection Points

Sznajer, Michel
Michel Sznajer, CFA, joined Ecofin in 2016 as Portfolio Manager of the firm’s Global Renewables strategies. Before joining Ecofin, he was a Partner and Portfolio Manager at Silvaris Capital Management. Previously, Mr. Sznajer was at Wellington Management Co. as an industrial/infrastructure Analyst and Portfolio Manager. Prior to that, he was at Goldman Sachs and Indosuez W.I. CARR, covering the telecommunication sectors in Asia. Mr. Sznajer earned a M.Sc. in business and engineering from Brussels University and is a CFA charterholder. Profile
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TWST: We spoke four years ago, but would you refresh our memories with a snapshot of Ecofin’s business and overall investment approach?
